It's your place for healing,
useful practices and knowledge
+7 916 384 68 02
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Where: Moscow, Novatorskaya station
Leninsky prospekt, 90
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Diplomas and certificates
Диплом гармонизация
Сертификат тибетские чаши
Диплом биоэнергетика
Диплом биоэнергетика
Сертификат тибетские чаши

Creating your special life

The experience and knowledge which you will obtain via

Akman Space practices will help you to improve your life. You will understand the causes of some unfavorable events. You will discover more opportunities and useful information regarding your general physical and mental state.

Informational methods of diagnostics and correction measures with the hands of the specialist, bilolocation, PWS method, Tibetan singing bowls and some other practices should become an exciting journey to the laws of physics, mentality, genus.

You will cope with stress easily and find harmony in any shpere.

  • Confidentiality
  • Friendly practices
  • Individual approach
  • Information session before starting work
  • Focus on transfer of knowledge for the future independent safe work and self-diagnosis
  • I do not work with situations that are beyond the of my competencies, in this case I may suggest another specialist

Theory & Practice

  • Sould healing
    Sound bath / vibroacoustic massage with Tibetan singing bowls

    Format - in person:
    Individual format / for a couple (2 pers.)

  • Bioenergy session
    Normalization of systems and organs

    Individual format
    In person/online

  • Biolocation diagnostics
    Diagnostics of the general conditions, activity of energy centers (chakras), functioning of body systems and organs. Recommendations for improving

    Individual format
    In person / online

  • Selecting minerals
    Support in choosing minerals
    Making unique jewelry (including accoring to your specific request)

    Visiting market together or you can send my the photos С

    Individual format / in group
  • Studing
    Group and individual programs on the system of energy-information development basics of self-diagnosis and self-healing using the biolacation methods

    Four-day face-to-face course

    Date of the event - on request
  • Art-therapy
    Intuitive drawing

    Format - in person:
    Individual format / in group

    Date of the event - on request


Diagnostic and healing system


According to the concept of the French architect Marcel Bovis, who was the first to discover the radiation of the Egyptian pyramids mummifying organic substances, a human perceives radiation from any objects by energy centers (chakras), which work as “receivers” of information.
A human has five sense organs (to see, hear, taste, feel, smell and feel) given to him to understand the world around him. Also each person has another “organ” for receiving enegy from objects in the surrounding world, sensing radiation, waves and vibrations which is represented by a complex branched system consisting of the brain, endocrine glands, nervous and muscular systems.
The energy which makes biolocation insrtument moving is called “radiesthesia effect” and still does not have a full theoretical justification.
Biolocation: algorithm of diagnostics
  • 1
    Identification of parameters requiring work or the most vulnerable areas
    Selecting a suitable system and sсheme for normalization (biolocation / PWS method / aggregative methods, etc.)
  • 2
    Normalization of parameters
    Finding and eliminating causes
    Normalization of parametres, including working on your own using method
    Based on the results of the work done, we check the result (repeating diagnostics, additional work, if required)
  • 3
    Getting the result and fixing it
    Parameters became normal
    Feeling better
    New opportunities
    Improved quality of life
Educational program
  • Work principles

    Types and history of the biolocation instruments

    Selecting your working instrument

    Choosing string


    Beginning of work


    Room cleanliness

    Cleanliness of objects



  • Diagnostics


    Seven-digit life code

    Cycles of life


    Birth programs


    Negative programs

    Source of negative programs

    Protecting yourself

  • Body systems

    Coping with stress

    Central biocomputer

    Diagnosis of the body

    Organ activity


  • Working with a request

    Techniques for harmonizing financial shpere


    Answers on your questions





Phenomenon of White Sphere

During PWS psychological session the client through living
the “primary” trigger situation nullifies childhood traumas, grievances,
negative attitudes and beliefs, generic scenarios and negative experiences
from the past incarnations. The work is carried out through the processing of traumas, feelings, emotions and instincts, which allows you to release energy,
transform it into a new pattern of behavior and obtain a new resource.

PROMO for discount: PWS2B18370C
Partner program:
PWS: algorithm of diagnostics
  • 1
    Finding the primary trigger
    By going deep into the situation when you've experienced a certain pattern of feelings for the first time
  • 2
    Removing negative feelings
    Careful unpacking of negative emotions, feelings, fears, blocks and grievances through visualization / reliving / modeling the situation
    'Unloading' an old behavior pattern
  • 3
    Downloading new patterns
    Releasing blocked energy and resource
    'Downloading' a new behavior
  • PROMO for discount: PWS2B18370C

    Training for
    Integrator and Integrator+
    By using PWS method you can solve almost any request, since the basis of any life situation is a program formed from unlived feelings. PWS method allows you to release blocks and transform old negative programs into new thinking and behavior giving amazing positive results

    To learn more please visit the website:
  • Studing for Neopsychologist
    Neopsychology is the shortest way to discover yourself and your opportunities. PWS clients make their dreams come true

    For details:

Body harmonization

Kirlian photography

1949 - certificate No. 106401 for a method of photographing objects in high-frequency currents.
There were some differences detected between the luminosity of a tree leaf that had just been picked and the same tree leaf after some time.

The same difference was detected on the photos of the hands of a healthy person, of a sick person, a tired person or a person in depression. The photos of aura was changing when the person was praying, meditating or was under hypnosis.
The bioenergy information method allows you to work with the biofield and human energy. The goal is to eliminate the cause of the disorder and restore the balance of bioenergy. After bioenergy session a person feels better, becomes less sensitive to unfavourable conditions, becomes stronger energetically, becomes healthier at all levels, and his unknown potential becomes more obvious.
Bioenergy: algorithm of diagnostics
  • 1
    Identification of problems
    The bioenergy therapist by using his hands (non-contact) and anatomical diagrams, determines the place where energy is unevenly distributed

    For example, an organ can be determined where there is already pain or where there is no pain yet, then the homeostasis of the organ is insufficient, which may lead to disorders in the future
  • 2
    Normalization of biofield
    Normalization of biofield by using the hands of specialist (non-contact)

    Also some other methods can be used such as biolocation for better cause identification and corrective measures
  • 3
    Energy balance
    The energy-information component of an organ or system returns to normal, pain goes away, and the recovery process is underway

Activation of the family system

We all repeat scenarios in the following areas:
- health
- relationship
- implementation
- finance
- etc.
We are all born into a specific family, where there are certain programs, rules, scenarios and patterns of behavior that we unconsciously bring to our lives.

Genus takes into account at least 7 generations (128 ancestors), who during their lifetime faced various problems and experienced certain feelings.

If negative scenarios are left unattended, they will pass from one generation to another, making the karma of the family more diffucult.
Genus algorithm of practices
  • 1
    Defining the request
    Selecting an issue or area for further work (for example: finances, health, relationship, etc.)
  • 2
    Finding the ancestor who first encountered the situation
    Using biolocation and / or arrangement family members' figures, determining the relative who launched this or that program for the first time.

    Example 1:
    Let’s say that if there was defarming (de-kulakization) in your family, and the situation with the loss of money and property had strong negative emotions, then similar scenario might be repeated.

    Example 2:
    If your parents divorced, you might repeat this scenario. If you do not go through the trigger situation, your and your parents’ negative emotions and feelings, and do not 'turn off' the program, then your children might repeat this scenario.
  • 3
    Resetting the situation
    Disabling all components that provoke negative feelings and situations
    This will give you the opportunity to move through life easily without the influence of factors from the past.

Analysis of initial parameters

Each figure has its own unique vibration, like shades or colors.
Numerology gives an understanding of a person’s 'basic settings' and by using this knowledge you can change your life for better.


Sound healing

original methods of sound HEALING therapy WITH Tibetan singing bowls, ocean drum (sound of the ocean),
rainSTICK and SOME
other musical instruments
When you feel relaxed, you don't have mental and physical blockes you have sufficient energy for realization of your plans and ideas.

Tibetan bowls are the ancient musical instrument. During the sould healing session you will experince cosmic feelings. The melody is very calming both for the body and your mind. Vibrations spread throughout your body, relieving fatigue and stress, gently affecting every cell of the body, and filling you with energy and resource.

Minerals and its' properties

basic properties of minerals and their effect on AURA

selection of jewelry and MINERALS for the interior, home or OFFICE, OR AS PER YOUR PERSONAL request: e.g. finances, relationship, protection
How can be used:
- the easiest way is just to admire the minerals
- carry with you
- using for massage
- water infusion
- etc.

Minerals can make fill your body with energy, regulate metabolic processes, harmonize.
The vibrations of minerals are almost identical to human vibrations. Some stones can be used for acupuncture to relieve pain and treat diseases.

Sharing experience



Place for relaxation, good practices and useful knowledge
Still have questions?

+7 916 384 68 02
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